Sebenarya dalam seminggu dua ini aku agak tertekan. Terlalu sibuk, kurang rehat dan berlaku beberapa perkara luar jangka. Fizikal dan mental aku memang sangat-sangat perlukan rehat...
Kebetulan ‘orang luar’ melihatku ‘sihat’ lalu meminta, mempelawa dan menuntut komitmenku seperti biasa.
“Aku nampak awak dah sihat ya?
“Alhamdulillah, Insya-Allah…. itu sahajalah yang mampuku jawab.
Tetapi bila dijawab begitu, ada pula ekornya.
“Owh, kalau begitu petang ni jomlah pekena teh tarik. Lama tak sembang, banyak isu negara sekarang ni”
“Owh, kalau begitu petang ni jomlah pekena teh tarik. Lama tak sembang, banyak isu negara sekarang ni”
Dont be so obsessed of HIV... Sometimes you have to forget it... you have to live your life no matter what... HIV is just something you have to carry for the rest of your life. Take your pills correctly don't missed a dose. There's nothing to fear. Keep your physical and mental healthy all the time. Don't worry i believe HIV will be history in few years... Stay strong and be strong... There's many people like you... Same as you, each and everyday they struggle in lots of things and lots of issues... You will be ok... Just live your life... You have nothing to regret...
Dont be so obsessed of HIV... Sometimes you have to forget it... you have to live your life no matter what... HIV is just something you have to carry for the rest of your life. Take your pills correctly don't missed a dose. There's nothing to fear. Keep your physical and mental healthy all the time. Don't worry i believe HIV will be history in few years... Stay strong and be strong... There's many people like you... Same as you, each and everyday they struggle in lots of things and lots of issues... You will be ok... Just live your life... You have nothing to regret...
Peace & Love... -John-
Bila membacanya aku tergelak sorang-sorang. Memang betul pun…
Secara peribadi blog ini salah satu cara aku melawan ‘penyakit’ ini dan kebiasaannya memang membantu tetapi ada masa ianya boleh memakan diri.
Ini jawapanku, (jangan gelakkan broken english aku tu, he3)
aku HIV positif said...
Dear John…
Thank you very much for your support, encouragement and reminder upon me. Yes, sometimes i am over exposured with the information about HIV and that situation, slowly was trapped me.
Thank you very much...
Peace & Love...-AHP
Thank you very much for your support, encouragement and reminder upon me. Yes, sometimes i am over exposured with the information about HIV and that situation, slowly was trapped me.
Thank you very much...
Peace & Love...-AHP
Sudahlah penat dan dalam masa yang sama terlalu terdedah tentang pelbagai maklumat berkaitan. Akhirnya kemampuan aku menyaring maklumat menjadi lemah. Cepat tersentuh dan risau.
Bukan aku tak sedar situasi tersebut bahkan aku baru sahaja mengadu kepada salah seorang sahabat, pembaca blog ini. Cuma agaknya kerana aku memang jenis degil, sesekali kena tegur barulah terfikir nak tarik handbrake!
AHP: Thank you John. Kena slowkan speeding, patuhi had laju dan nikmati perjalanan. Tergesa-gesa tak elok, nanti tak pasal-pasal kena saman ekor. Bertambah lagi stress. Zaman sekarang semua boleh jadi. Motor buruk tersadai kat stor pun boleh kena saman laju woo…