Friday, September 19, 2014


Hanani Rahayu Abdul Jalil, 32 dan suaminya Omar Manan, 46 (gambar), pasangan suami isteri dan masing-masing merupakan Exco dan volunteers kepada Pertubuhan Positive Warriors Malaysia (PPWM) yang sangat banyak terlibat membantu people living with HIV (PLHIV) dan affected people.

Semuanya adalah atas keprihatinan dan kesedaran mereka tentang tanggungjawab serta tuntutan fardhu kifayah. Mereka faham bahawa PLHIV adalah insan biasa yang berhak meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

Berikut adalah berita tentang perjuangan mereka membantu komuniti yang disiarkan di akhbar baru-baru ini (18 September 2014). Semoga info ini dapat memberikan inspirasi kepada masyarakat di luar sana bahawa stigma, diskriminasi, dan judgmental adalah pembunuh sebenar kepada PLHIV dan punca jangkitan virus sukar dihapuskan. Tidak perlu menjadi PLHIV untuk memahami apa yang PLHIV rasa. Cukup sekadar emphati dan keprihatinan.

Mari baca:

MALACCA: A secondary school teacher strives to reach out to those who are HIV positive despite the stigma attached to the community.

Relating her story, Hanani Rahayu Abdul Jalil, 32, said she started reaching out the marginalised group in 2012, after reading the life story of an HIV positive patient in a blog titled, Aku HIV Positif (I’m HIV Positive).

Hanani said she was saddened by the fact that many HIV positive patients had their lives destroyed even before the disease could do anything due to the stigma from the society.

That was when her perspective towards the group changed and decided to devote her time to doing something for HIV patients.

“I was also curious whether HIV patients can enjoy a healthy life by undergoing consistent medical treatment and was determined to find out what sort of medications were used to help HIV patients.

“So I started by becoming a volunteer in programmes organised by various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that dealt with HIV patients. The opportunity enabled me to see how HIV patients lived,” she said.

Hanani said that she was impressed that many HIV patients lived a happy life, with several of them even getting married and having children, minus the disease.

On the stigma against HIV patients, Hanani said society should change its negative perception on the group.

“ Keep an open mind when dealing with HIV patients. Try to get to know people suffering from the disease as well,” she said.

Hanani’s work with HIV patients also has a special significance to her life as that was how she met another volunteer who hails from Johor.

The volunteer, Omar Manan, 46, subsequently became her husband in February this year.

On her future plans, Hanani said: “My husband and I hope to open a shelter for children suffering from HIV.”

As published in New Straits Times Online
18 SEPTEMBER 2014 @ 8:10 AM

Memahami HIV dengan tepat dapat menyekat penularan dan meningkatkan kualiti hidup infected dan affected people. Kita berperanan memperbetulkan keadaan dan mengelakkan penganiayaan. 


"Pertubuhan Positive Warriors Malaysia (PPWM) komited menentang PENGANIAYAAN, STIGMA, DISKRIMINASI, JUDGEMENTAL, DAN MENDIDIK MASYARAKAT secara terbuka."

Aku, hamba-Nya yang dhaif,
Mohamad bin Wahid @ Pie @ AHP
Facebook: Ahp Pie

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